Getting involved in EMS

There are plenty of reasons to join the ranks of EMS's just a few examples! 

If you like variety, look no further
Every day in EMS looks a bit different than the last.  As an EMS provider, you'll be trained to manage any number of emergencies, from bumps, bruises, and upset tummies, to accidents and mass casualty incidents.  And you'll have a support system in your teammates, insturctors, and leaders in  helping to ensure your sucess every step of the way!

Opportunity is part of the plan
Joining an EMS agency grants you a license to learn.  Once in our ranks, you may elect to further your education to further your skills, build self-confidence, or aim in a different direction in healthcare. (Paramedic training, nursing school, medical school, etc.). 
You could also challenge yourself to take on leadership roles at your local service, and beyond!.  Many of our rural providers have had experience in serving as Training Officers, Critical Incident Stress Debriefers, EMS Instructors, and even Directors of their agency.

Whether you want to volunteer or start a new career, EMS is a great place to look!
Already have a job?  No sweat...many of our agencies have volunteer and part-time positions that you can do in your spare time.    
Looking for a new career? Refer back to "Opportunity"...the sky is the limit!

Fill out the form below, and we will be in contact with you about the world of opportunity that awaits in the Emergency Medical Services field!
(Click Here for a Printable Version)

South Central Minnesota EMS is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer.

Volunteer Form

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