Rehab is simply a systematic method of medically monitoring responders during an extended deployment. Responders are classified as anyone involved with that mission, including firefighters, EMS, law enforcement, public works, and civilian volunteer organizations. The Rehab medical staff consists of volunteers from the region’s first responder and ambulance services. A medical director oversees all Rehab responder training and procedures.
Medical monitoring by the team includes:
1. Tracking of vital signs (blood pressure, respirations, pulse)
2. Initial medical treatment for personnel whose vital signs fall outside of predetermined safe criteria
3. Arranging further medical care (if needed)
The Rehab team maintains flexibility, allowing it to assist multiple agencies and multiple missions.
Our team is trained to provide Rehab services to:
1. Firefighters
2. Local, state, and federal response agencies
3. Any city, county, or state agency requesting assistance
4. Any non-profit service or organization needing medical monitoring for a public event